badbadzoot's Diaryland Diary


I met *someone*

hiya folks!

I had an interesting evening last night.... so sit back, relax, and enjoy the mess that is my life.

After getting home from work, late, because of &%$#@** traffic, I ate dinner then realized I had to go back out to get contact junk for my contacts... (hence needing to get "contact junk"). So I had to go to the local redneck trough: Wal-Fart. (Wal-Mart's do not exist in my world, only Wal-Fart's).

So I looked terrible. Blue jeans, a Bob Ross t-shirt (BOB ROSS KICKS A$$!), my hair up, no makeup, pimples galore.

And what do you know- I met *someone* at a freaking Wal-Fart.

go figure.

I was shopping, minding my own business. I checked out, was passing through the exit doors, when I see the greeter waiting there..... for me. (Now the greeter isn't the *someone* I met, just listen already) The greeter (who is a short lady) asked me if she could ask me a question. I think to myself "okay it's a survey". She asks me if I was married.


Now being a single person for quite a while, I know what is going to follow after a question like that.

After telling her no, that I wasn't married, she got all excited and continued to tell me about this guy she works with and wants me to meet. He was there, working in produce. And him and her were talking about this and that and he *noticed* me.


I was speechless. I have never in my life been approached in that way before. I've had cocky asshole guys approach me and be all dumb. But this was different. (and now I'm about to get all sentimental and girly- eeewwwwwww! I think I will have to punch myself in the arm after I'm done)

I told the greeter that I would like to meet this friend of hers, my interest was piqued. So we walked back into Wal-Fart, and the produce section was immediately to the left, I glanced and saw him, and thought, hey, he's pretty cute.

Me and the greeter continued to talk and she waved him over. We met and he was sooo polite. I was shocked. He was very nice and made some very genuine compliments about me. I got a little scared, because I am not used to guys giving me GENUINE compliments. I'm a yankee, remember, and yankee boys are assholes. To get a girl's attention, they beat her over the head and drag her to their cave.

Turns out he's from Kansas, so thank God he's not a freakin redneck. Kansas is considered a midwestern state for all you friggin rednecks out there. Yeah, he works at Wal-Fart, but he's trying to get outta there.

We exchanged numbers and he called me later that night. We are going to hang out Saturday.

All in all, I am genuinely glad I met this guy. He is really really nice and funny and I think we are going to be great friends. Now beyond friends is kinda up in the air, we'll just have to wait and see what happens! The only thing that will keep me from getting serious with this guy is his age. He's a youngin. And you might think I'm a yougin (I'm 24), but to me, HE's a yougin! Okay, okay, I'll tell you his age.

He's 20.

And not 20 going to be 21 this year. 20 as in he JUST TURNED 20 last month. I will be 25 in November.

I mean, it doesn't bother me all that much. I generally don't care about age. But I always thought I would just date guys OLDER than me. And this guy is different. He's not juvenile in his behavior, I don't think he's trying to get into my pants. (that has yet to be seen). I think he is really mature for his age. He's been in foster care his whole life, I think that has something to do with it.

So last night I was giddy like a freakin school girl.

okay, someone please punch me in the arm. please. I'm making myself sick.

Growing up with two brothers, all of us being very close in age, I wasn't allowed to be a girl about anything. That's why I don't wear makeup or dress up, at all. If any of us cried, the other two punched the crier in the arm. And if the crying got louder, the punches became harder. So that's why I'm freaking out right now. This guy seems to be a total gentleman, and I don't know how to act around a gentleman!!! Gawd, I'll probably fart and belch in front of him on our first date.

oh well. He also seems very laid back. So he'll probably fart with me.

All together now!!!


ahhh, that felt good.

okay, enough of the sap stories. Sorry to disappoint you freaking heartless bastards.

1:09 p.m. - 2005-07-14


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