badbadzoot's Diaryland Diary


the elephants are making their escape

CHEESE IT, IT'S THE COPS! Wait! Don't forget about Dumbo!!!

HA! That was great! I needed that. (ah crap, the link isn't working, I found the story on Yahoo, elephants were making an escape from the South Korea zoo. It was funny)

Check out this story too.... No teenagersallowed at the mall without a parent. Oh boy. I don't think I'll go there. Or maybe I will. Teenagers need somewhere to go for pete's sake. If they're causing trouble, kick em out. The mall is a sacred place for parents to drop off their troubled teens so they don't have to deal with them for a while. So let them be a public nuisance, it's their right as an American! And we don't want to be anti-American, now do we???? Whenever I go to the mall to shop, I ignore everyone and everything equally until I have made my purchases and checked everything off my list. So the little teeny-bopper wannabes and full-fledged teenage nightmares don't bother me at all. I ain't skeared! I especially like the part in the article where it states in the code of conduct that chains and dog collars and other goth/punk/metalhead gear is gang-related and is not to be worn in the mall. Funny. You silly hypocrite. You let stores sell the junk don't ya? duh.

Let's move on to another subject. The Queen was sent to bed early AGAIN last night because she stole money from school. She is turning into one bad mamma jamma. Her class was learning how to count money and the teacher gave them coins to practice with, but they weren't supposed to take them home! The Queen tried to hide the money in her sock and her teacher found them. Silly girl. If the teacher has given you something to use, she's going to expect it back before the end of the day! Princess Poopypants was having a rough morning. She told my mother to shut-up, I wanted to smack her soooooo bad. Nobody tells my momma to shut-up! Only me! Got it? Good!

Traffic into Charlotte was terrible this morning. I wanted to scream silly obscenities, but refrained. Why oh why do people insist on driving slow in the left lane?????? Or just cruise in the left lane???? Both are ILLEGAL. I think it's a southern thing, everything is SO STINKING SLOW down here.

HA HA. Every time I do that-(#$%#!#$%^&*) like I'm swearing, I can't help but think of Spongebob Squarepants in the episode where him and Patrick find a cuss word on a garbage can and start saying it, and all these dolphin squeaks, boat horns, and other miscellaneous nautical noises spew forth instead........ HILARIOUS.

yeah, anyway.

How bout I open a can of worms and talk badly about Catholics?? Would everyone like that? It's not that I have a disdain for Catholics alone, but for every Christian denomination, save for a few. So let me come out and say, yes I am a christian (and by the end of this rant, a lot of you won't believe that I am). I belong to no denomination. I try to be very realistic on things and not be a wishy washy push-over. Sometimes I may say things that you may respond to as "well that's not very christian", well I don't really care about what you think of me. I'm not worried about your judgement of me. whatever. but I really do love people, they just get on my nerves sometimes (more like alltimes).

So what about Catholics you say? They are too traditional and ritualistic, and are idol worshippers. Whoa there! What's that you say? Idol worshipper? Yup. As I remember reading in the Bible and other historical documents, the Virgin Mary didn't die by crucifixion and didn't perform any miracles. Giving birth is not a miracle. Hey now wait a second before you start assuming bad things about me..... Mary was a cool chick, but she is not my god. The Bible never says to pray to Mary, or to MAKE AN IDOL OF HER. Now what do you think an idol is? IT'S ANY GRAVEN IMAGE THAT YOU WORSHIP TO!! duh. And graven meaning carved out of something! Oh but I saw a vision of the Virgin Mary and she healed my affliction! Oh, so where did you see the Virgin Mary? In South America! Oh yes, yes, of course, I believe you now even though the Bible never said anything about Mary returning and healing people and being all Jesus like. The only place the Bible really talks about Mary is in the beginning of the book of Matthew, (and the other Gospels too, but Matthew is more descriptive), and God saw her as a very devout Jew and chose her to be Jesus' mom. Jesus did everything else. But I swear! It was Mary I saw! Are you sure it was Mary? Ya know, there is a Satan, says so in the Bible, and he's not stupid. Now I'm not saying those visions were Satan and not Mary. I just have a very hard time believing it was actually Mary. So what was it? A hallucination? Maybe, since South America is the biggest drug making country in the whole freaking world.

This is getting really intense and I'm probably scaring away people, but hey, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to have it. You are too, so if you want to contact me, go right ahead. I am a respecter of persons.

I know lots of Catholics, and they are great people. Just some Catholics are getting it all wrong. I loved Pope John Paul II. Everyone knew he loved God's green earth and everyone in it. That man was truly a great man. But could we please get rid of all the technical, traditional, ritual, legality junk? Y'all are putting too much show into the christian religion. Well, that's what I think. Ya bunch of Pharisees

okay, let's take a breather. Is everyone mad yet? Have I pressed any buttons? If I haven't, should I keep going? Well.... I don't think I will. I'm kinda tired of the subject now. Let me just clarify where I stand here. I do not agree with A LOT of what the Catholic church does. This also goes with Lutherans, and Methodists, and Nazarenes, and Baptists. and a few others that I can't think of right now. They have made the christian religion too complicated. And it's really not. Have any of these denominations actually READ the Bible? If they have, they must be reading a different version than mine. I'm pretty sure my Bible is pretty accurate translation of the original old and new testaments. I bought it at a regular old christian bookstore. Unless they were just posing as one and are really a satanic cult bookshop trying to mess up people's lives and perceptions.



Hey I know! How bout some more Monty Python pictures!! Yeah!! Monty Python makes everyone smile!

Since we're talking about God, this is always how I pictured Him!

I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day.....

This bird has expired.

Let's hear it for the upper class twit of the year! Now all you have to do is shoot yourself you moron!

Ah, that was a good laugh. I hope y'all don't hate me now. And I suppose I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I just had to get that off my chest. whatever. You anti-Americans.

9:56 a.m. - 2005-04-20


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