badbadzoot's Diaryland Diary


The commies are gonna get ya

ACHTUNG! All hail the new pope!

There's a nice sentence in that article which is all about the "ism"s.


I can't believe it's been 10 years already, and not a very good picture of Dick Cheney.

Hey, while you're at it check out this site too you big wuss

I went to a baseball game last night, a minor league game. It was fun! I went with some friends of mine. My mother gave me some pointers on how to "play" the players. Mother!

Mommy also told me a very interesting story of what The Queen did yesterday at her counseling session. (For those of you who can't remember: I have two foster sisters, one I call The Queen, the other Princess Poopypants, and I'm 24 years old calling a 7 year old girl "Princess Poopypants", very mature) Well, The Queen does not talk about her feelings AT ALL. So when she gets mad she does little passive aggressive things, like breaking something on "accident". Now we must understand something before I move on, The Queen's mother has not called her in quite some time and has not seen her in weeks, so going into the counseling session she is already pissed off. She won't talk about it, or admit that she's mad at her mom. My mother had to string along Princess Poopypants also, which makes it worse because this is The Queen's time, no devotion of time can be shown to the Princess. So after the session, The Queen's counselor was talking to the Princess and telling her not to let The Queen control or manipulate her. That set The Queen right off so she squatted and pissed on the counselor's office floor.


(I desperately want to say that "f" word, but once it starts it never stops, and plus I need to be a good girl, right??????????!!!!!! %^*$#%@!****&&^%#%^%#@%^+@##$%!^%&&**%$#@$$$$####)

Good golly miss molly. I almost fell to the floor (again) when my mother told me that. I yelled, "what, does she think she's a dog?" so she could hear me because she was sent to bed early. Mom calmly explained that it was one of her passive aggressive actions and to not get excited. How could you not get excited? The Queen NEVER did anything like that before. She used to have accidents at school when she first came to live with us, but that had long stopped. (She had accidents because she was not comfortable staying at home with mom and the whole supposed sexual abuse.) Now I would expect that from Princess Poopypants because she shits her pants like there's no tomorrow.

What to do, what to do. So my mother offered my wonderful counseling services to The Queen. She told The Queen that if she'd like, she could talk to me because I know how it feels to not have a parent around. (my dad is a real piece of work). So that's fine. Hopefully she would talk to me. The Queen is as stubborn as a mule, man, almost as stubborn as me. And I'm hard to beat.

We'll see what happens.

Now about this baseball game....... A friend of mine had gotten free tickets and invited me and 2 of her other friends to join. Great. I'm the first one there (after the friend with the tickets) and so I have to sit there with her jab jab jabberin while I'm trying to watch the game. I grew up with two brothers and a slew of male cousins. I was not allowed to be a girl. So when I'm actually at a game of some sort, I need to watch it. I don't know why. Baseball, hockey, football, basketball, I understand how to play all those games, but I don't know stats or names or nothing like that. I just like to watch the game. So my friend (bless her heart- a little southern pity for you) keeps trying to talk to me, and I'm trying to listen, but I am hardly making eye contact at all, and just saying "yeah" "uh-huh" and what not. So FINALLY her other two friends show up and I am able to watch the rest of the game in peace. Heck, who knows, I might have just been checking out the players butts (wink wink).

Did you hear of that new movie, Kung-Fu Hustle? Looks hilarious. It comes out this Friday. I can't wait. Going to the movies TWICE in one year is a great accomplishment for me!

Speaking of the Asian Persuasion, I have a cousin who is in the Army Reserves flying helicopters. He has been stationed in South Korea for the past few years up until last Christmas. He posted some pictures for his family to see of the Demilitarized Zone. It's very interesting, I shall give you a taste...

This is a North Korean looking at my cousin looking at him. Kinda creepy, but wow. The picture is not the greatest, but I'm sure you can make out the binoculars in the shadows and the commie on the phone. Was that mean? To say commie? If I offended anyone, oh well.

Army Reserve cousin is now stationed in Hawaii, lucky dog. Well he needed a break after being stationed in Korea. All those other guys stationed in Iraq will also need that kind of break. All I have to say is thank God Iraq is not Vietnam (hold on a second here before you get all excited) IN THAT WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS THIS TIME AROUND.

okay, that wasn't so hard, was it?

well, I need to skeedaddle, for no real reason though. I'm running out of subjects to talk about. I could talk about cute baseball player butts, but I don't want to share! Mine mine mine!


1:12 p.m. - 2005-04-19


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