badbadzoot's Diaryland Diary


Octopuses need love too!


That's some good stuff right there. Nothing like octopuses gettin some luvin.

I am super tired today. I also feel kind of weird. I lost some weight which is really really really bad in my case. I need to go pig out on something. Now I am not a binge eater or anorexic or something totally ridiculous like that, it's my Crohn's Disease. When it flares-up I lose my appetite, and I'm already skinny as it is, I don't need to lose weight. Jeez why does this have to be so darn complicated.

Princess Poopypants woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. She was Princess Crankypants. My mother has a list of punishments for when they do something wrong/bad. For instance, if either girl tells my mother "no" they automatically get a 2-minute Time Out where they have to stand in the corner. And if one provokes or instigates a fight with the other it's a 5-minute Time Out. If they are being especially horrendous and will not listen at all, my mother sends them to bed. It's an exhausting process. A definite war of the wills. All I know is when I was their age and I talked back I got a slap across the face. My mom is totally cool, but don't mess with her!

Which makes this foster-care thing so frustrating. We are not to touch the kids in any bad way. There is this sweet move you can do on the kid if they are totally freaking out on you, it looks like a wrestling move. Anyway, this morning Princess Poopypants was trying to play the whole "I'm helpless and can't brush my own hair even though it is really short and not hard to brush but I am just being a Princess because the World Revolves Around Me" card. She asked me if I could brush it for her and I said simply "no". But when she asked my mother, that's when things got really ugly. The Princess told my mother "no" earlier and would not take her time-out, so instead of fighting my mom let it go. So when she asked my mom to brush her hair my mom explained why she wouldn't, "you told me no and would not take your punishment so I am not doing you any favors". That is when Princess Poopypants lost it. She started begging, "please I'll take my punishment now, please just brush my hair", my mom ignored her which made the Princess furious. The Princess then THREATENED MY MOTHER! It's actually not the first time she's threatened anybody. Well the Princess said she would hit my mother with the brush. She first hit the arm of the chair with her brush to try to scare my mom, then she shoved the brush in her face and my mom got real mad and snatched the brush away from her and the Princess started to cry bloody murder. The Princess stomped to the bathroom and started to wail like her favorite pet just died. My mom gave her the brush back and just told her to stop acting like a baby.

I give total props to my mom. I would have thrown that brush out the freaking door. My mom really needs a vacation. The foster agency my mom and stepdad work for are supposed to have "respits" ready in case of an emergency. (A respite is a foster care term for babysitter) But in our case they have no respits for girls. Damn. That sucks. So I'm gonna try to help them out and watch the girls for an evening while they go out to dinner. Hopefully I won't kill them.

I'm going to a baseball game tonight with a friend. I haven't been to a baseball game in a very LONG time. I think it's been around 12 years. Where I grew up baseball isn't that big. It's hockey or football for this girl. But it should be a nice evening. Just out hanging with my friend. This is exciting for me because I have no life and never do anything. Woohoo!

Which reminds me, I never went out Saturday night like I said I would. I just wasn't in the mood. Go figure.

I should get back to work, a job just magically appeared on my desk, the work gods must need another sacrifice.

Here is a parting picture of how I feel right now:

8:21 a.m. - 2005-04-18


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