badbadzoot's Diaryland Diary


Canada rocks!

Another day, another dollar.

I went home sick from work yesterday, felt like barfing but nothing would come out. Don't you hate that feeling?

I think I'm PMSing as well, on the way home driving on the highway (while sick) traffic came to a stand-still. I became very upset, which turned to rage and anger. Then I slowly crept up to the problem, and there was a bad accident. I started to cry. Now if that is not wacky hormones, I don't know what is.

THEN this morning driving to work, there were MORE accidents. Good lord what the hell. I was a half hour late getting to work, but no crying this time, just agitation. And a lot of yelling at the air. With other drivers looking at me funny. Which I find quite funny. So in conclusion, everyone needs to drive like me and then the world will be a better place to live in.

My mother received pictures from her sister of my cousin who is in Iraq at this moment. As opposed to the next moment coming. I have no idea what I'm saying. Anyways, my little baby cousin is a big bad Marine, and I believe he is stationed in Fallujah driving Humvees. I haven't looked at the pictures yet, but I can just imagine him standing there with a big old gun looking like Rambo. To see this as hilarious as I do, you need to understand my family. My mother is the baby of six kids. And I have 12 cousins on that side of the family (only 4 being girls, and out of that 2 of them live in California while the rest of the family is in New York). Moving forward, with so many boys around I didn't quite grow up to be a girly girl. Everyone got beat up, it was like one giant Royal Rumble all the time. And my baby cousin who is the Marine was such a whiny little terdball, he got beat up the worst ALL THE TIME. Aren't families fun?! So to see him grow up to become a Marine and be in Iraq does make me a little proud. Although I heard that on the third day he was there he had to get stitches in his leg because he was jogging and tripped over barb wire. DOH!

I won't be surprised if he gets his whole platoon killed.

Oh, here's some comfort in knowing what kind of boys we have over there in Iraq: when my cousin graduated from boot camp he was quite proud of the fact that he was able to shoot people now. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Now that you have a little glimpse into my dysfunctional family, let's move on to another subject. I have an interview today! But sshhhhh..... don't tell my boss! Don't get me wrong, I'm quite comfortable making junk mail for the North Carolina people. But the company itself is a little shady. It's a man's company for starters. And they give crappy raises. The raise they gave me was crap, I received higher raises when I worked at hotels. I guess I feel under-appreciated. So I have an interview today, I'm taking a half day vacation for it, and we'll just see how it goes. I'll keep you updated, don't worry. You are close to my heart.

Whoa, getting a little too personal there.

My tummy still feels a little weird. Where my Crohn's Disease is located, it hurts like hell. If you poked that area, I'd slap you silly. I can barely stand up straight. This medicine needs to start working. I should go see my gastroenterologist, but I don't like him. So I won't. I haven't seen him since last summer when my insurance ran out. I was 10 days past the grace period to switch over my health insurance, so my new insurance won't cover my Crohn's until a year has passed. Jerks. I had stopped taking my medicine last August I believe well because it ran out. And my prescription costs $700 without insurance. That sucks. So I stopped taking my medicine and my Crohn's went into remission. See Crohn's Disease goes through flare-ups and remissions, they both may last days, weeks, or even months. I was in remission until just a month ago, I started having some flare-ups, so my wonderful Aunt who lives in Buffalo helped me get some medicine. I had a prescription on hand, so I mailed that to her and the brave soul that she is smuggled controlled substances across the border from Canada. What a doll. Canadian prescriptions cost half of what American drugs cost.

Canada is great. Let me tell you how great Canada is. Their money might not be worth as much as the American dollar, but they're catching up! Canada has state mandated health care. None of the HMO shit that goes on here. It may be colder, but those Canadians sure know how to have fun. And you can drink alcohol when you are 19. None of this waiting until you are 21.

Well, my boss just walked in the room, so I need to go pretend I have work to do.

"Oh Canada, our home and native land. True patriot love, blah blah blah I don't know the rest of the words..........................."

8:50 a.m. - 2005-04-13


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